Sunday, October 5, 2008

Potty Training - The bane of my existence

I'm frustrated. Potty training sucks. Seriously. It's rough when you know your kid can do it, and she just won't. Ridley is said kid.

She's so darn stubborn!!! She knows when she has to go potty. She knows how to use the potty. She'd rather pee-pee in her pull-up than go to the bathroom.


Here's proof that she can do it.

So why won't she do it when she's supposed to?!?

My mom bought quite the neat little invention. It's called the Potty Watch. It plays music every 30, 60, or 90 minutes, depending on what you set it to. And it won't play music any other time, which is cool because it is supposed to remind her to try and go potty.

We'll see if this works. In the meantime, give me some suggestions. I need all the help I can get!


Kristin said...

I've heard that pull-ups only tend to encourage peeing in them, because you can.

What my sisters have done is first, made time. You've got to have at the very least a weekend to work on it really hard core, if not a whole week. This means letting her run around the house in her underoos--so she'll have time to recognize the urge, but still make it to the toilet without pulling off pants too. Also, you need to stick near the house. Taking her out will only disrupt the potty-training efforts.

Second, buy a butt load of cute little panties that she WANTS to wear. This is because she is going to have a few accidents, and will need backup, AND she needs to WANT to wear them. By this you are teaching her that if she wants to wear the big-girl panties, she needs to go potty in the toilet, not her panties.

Next, make sure there is a toilet available as much as possible. When kids realize they need to go, THEY NEED TO GO!

Lastly, be patient. Try it out for a weekend. If it doesn't work out and you find yourself cleaning pee off everything from your living room floor to your dining room table, give it more time. She's not ready yet.

Good luck!

Sharla said...

First, I need to say you've got some adorable kids there! I have no suggestions, just voicing my support. My sister's in the same boat right now. Good luck!

A Momma said...

I am not looking forward to that time in Jane's life.

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